Ted M. Young

Kid-Bank: The Money Tracker for Kids

In case you haven't been following me on Twitter (where I'm @jitterted), I recently started "livecoding", where I do my coding work in front of everyone, live streaming my screen (and face) through Twitch (where I'm also jitterted -- gotta stay on-brand). Here's a snapshot…

Not Taking My Own Advice

The other day I was pairing with a friend of mine on an app I call "Kid-Bank" (tracking how much money my son has, since he doesn't have his own bank account). We were making nice progress, doing basically the BDD->TDD->BDD cycle: discuss a user story ("show current balance"), make an integration test (using MockMvc from Spring Boot) that fails, then drop a level to test-drive the implementation of the core Domain code, popping back up when we think we're done and the integration test should pass. All good stuff.


"Human Learning" Video Available

Back in October 2018, I gave my 3rd iteration of my talk: "Human Learning: How We Learn & Why It Matters" at the Silicon Valley Code Camp. The video recording of that talk is now up on YouTube here: Slides from the talk are available…