Java (7)

Java-related posts.

Kid-Bank: The Money Tracker for Kids

In case you haven't been following me on Twitter (where I'm @jitterted), I recently started "livecoding", where I do my coding work in front of everyone, live streaming my screen (and face) through Twitch (where I'm also jitterted -- gotta stay on-brand). Here's a snapshot…

Not Taking My Own Advice

The other day I was pairing with a friend of mine on an app I call "Kid-Bank" (tracking how much money my son has, since he doesn't have his own bank account). We were making nice progress, doing basically the BDD->TDD->BDD cycle: discuss a user story ("show current balance"), make an integration test (using MockMvc from Spring Boot) that fails, then drop a level to test-drive the implementation of the core Domain code, popping back up when we think we're done and the integration test should pass. All good stuff.


Ports & Adapters & Burgers (SVCC)

At this past weekend's Silicon Valley Code Camp (SVCC), I gave a talk on the Ports & Adapters architecture (aka Hexagonal) as implemented in Java and Spring Boot. I tried to squeeze what's normally a multi-day class into a 60 minute talk, and I hope…